Jason Alleman Ultimate Machine

Just another Lego useless machine? Well… Not exactly… Lego Mindstorms EV3 equals to magic…

My Heart in Lego Mindstorms


This invention by Ishogawa Yoshihito has really impressed me. He has achieved a wonderful level of realism… In such a small space. And with Lego pieces… It deserves a look.

Official Lego EV3 advert

Very original advertisement from The Lego Group about the new Lego Mindstorms EV3. Hope you liked it as I did!

Lego Mindstorms EV3 release date

For those of you who may be interested The Lego Group will oficially release the Lego Mindstorms EV3 on the 1st of August of 2013.

However, for some countries it will arrive between October and November (I suppose this is the case of Spain and some far countries such as Australia and New Zeland)

One of the new models that will come with EV3

Anyway, we all have the opportunity to buy it.

See you!

New images of the EV3 Mindstorms

Lego Mindstorms EV3 is making good sensations around the net. Here we have a new image of it. (And a photo of the new Lego Mindstorm medium motor!)

Will you buy it?

New Lego Mindstorms for 2013

The third generation of lego Mindstorms, EV3, is about to arrive. This summer it will be available at the estimated prize of 350€. With new sensors and inteligent brick, it will be compatible with the old sensors.

New features, new design, and improved programming are the battle horses of this generation. Will we like it? It is going to be sold on summer 2013.

It will have a Linux system, with an ARM9 processor.

Third generation of Lego Mindstorms, called EV3.

New motors, sensors, intelligent brick and programming, with some more features. Great new! :). You can know more here.

Learning with Lego

Continuing with good news about Lego, there is a fantastic initiative in Jamaica called Halls Of Learning wich mix Lego with the school.

Very good initiative that I would like to see in Spain.

Lego Time Twister V2

Hans Andersen has posted on his youtube account another great Invention… The second version of his time twister, much better.

I still dont know how it works!

Could you imagine how it works? The size is incredible, and moving all that weight of pieces cant be easy…

Nortebrick 201303/23/2012
The big day is here.